

author: Sweet Rabbit
classification: Science fiction
update: 6分鐘前

Soon, Fangyuan and Tianya's father received the corresponding punishment. 。In the past two years, Fang Huai also supported a number of young models and eighteen-line actresses. There were even a few underage girls. 。There were one or two who couldn't stand Fang Huai's torture at all and died directly on his bed, but they were all sent away by Fang Huai with money. 。Even Mo Ru Shen didn't know where he found the evidence, directly confirming Fang Huai's crime. 。As for Tian Yaya's father, the Tian family's assets originally did not belong to him. He designed a car accident that killed Tian Yaya's uncle, and thus obtained most of the shares of the Tian Group. 。Though she managed to secure the shares, Tian Yaya's father was not cut out for business. To satisfy his own desires, he embezzled a significant amount of public funds, causing a liquidity crisis for Tian Corporation. It was only then that he thought of using Tian Yaya to win over Mo Rushing and Fang Huai. 。Upon learning all of this, I gasped in shock and secretly rejoiced that Mo Rusheng had found evidence of their crimes. Otherwise, who knows how much more harm they would have caused 。Most importantly, Guan Yue and Lin Qingyan can finally be together. 。Upon hearing the news, I immediately rushed to the hospital and informed Guan Yue. 。Guan Yu was so happy, tears were welling up in his eyes. 。I nudged Lin Qingran's arm and chided, "What are you daydreaming about Hurry up and comfort her." 。" Just mind your own business. " 。Lin Qingyan's ears turned red, and she directly said this to me. 。,I lightly coughed twice, deliberately stretching my hand towards Mo Ruxin's face, and said in a sour tone: "This pigeon egg is really beautiful" 。",“Xiaobai, it’s too late…” 。Mo Ru's lips curled into a smirk, he straightened his back, and walked straight in, leaving behind a string of my howls...。

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