It seemed that he just experienced what they meant by a little death. This sensation was thrilling yet terrifying. Thinking of everything leading to this moment made Mo Baixue’s spine chill.,But now, he couldn’t dwell on it. His entire body relaxed as he lay comfortably under the hot water, letting it wash away something—something that needed to be taken away. With his eyes closed, he thought about his just-now depraved thoughts and wished to whip himself a hundred times.,After just going through an intense romantic affair, Moxiao Bai felt listless and dragged himself over to the side. He felt rather frustrated—didn't the boss ask him a single question Was this unusual behavior Given his obvious state of affairs earlier, it was clear something was off; anyone could tell there must be some intrigue involved, yet the boss didn’t even inquire about it. This wasn’t like the usual boss.。